Sara Langenbach
Integrative Health Practitioner+
Licensed Massage Therapist
Natural, whole body approach to health and wellness. Find the root cause
Reduce or eliminate the need for prescription medication
Reduce or eliminate autoimmune disorders
Balance Thyroid dysfunction
Reduce or eliminate bloating, gut issues, food sensitivities, SIBO, and candida
Reduce or eliminate chronic symptoms such as brain fog, joint pain, and fatigue
Reduce or eliminate symptoms of hormone imbalance such as PCOS, endometriosis, PMS, balding/ hair loss, menopausal symptoms, erectile dysfunction, energy, and stamina
Reduce mold symptoms and sensitivity
Reduce and reverse premature aging in skin, joints, mobility, memory, and energy
Reduce chances of age related diseases and disorders
Balance moods and better abled to handle stress
Improved ability to conceive children
Help depression and anxiety
Improve energy and motivation
Eliminate Interstitial Cystitis
Eliminate acne
Improve sleep
Aid weight loss or gain
Learn the right eating habits for your body